Faves of 2Q 2016

Today’s post features some of my favorite memories and images of nature that I photographed during the months of April, May and June. If you missed the first quarter’s images, you can find them here (“Faves of 1Q 2016”). Now, on to the second quarter!

In spring and early summer, I am usually busy photographing wildflowers and conducting some “Wildflower Shorty” workshops, where I work with small groups (often these are 1:1 sessions) photographing woodland wildflowers. 2016 was no exception … as soon as the wildflowers appear, I seem to be out every free morning! Here are some of the wildflower images I enjoyed capturing.

One of my favorites, Bird’s-foot Violets:

Bird's-foot Violet

Bird's-foot Violet

The sometimes, difficult to spot Jack-in-the-Pulpit:

Jack-in-the-Pulpit wildflower


Blue Phlox wildflower

And more Bluebells:

Virginia Bluebells

Dog’s Tooth Violet (aka, Trout Lily):

Trout Lily (aka Dog-tooth Violet)

And even a new insect for me, the Large Bee Fly at a False Rue Anemone:

Large Bee Fly

And in April/May, prairie wildflowers began to appear, such as this Prairie Phlox:

Prairie Phlox wildflower

Shooting Stars:

Shooting Star wildflower

And even some birds, such as this Prothonotary Warbler who sang me a cheery tune while kayaking:

Prothonotary Warbler

And an endangered Barn Owl (common in some areas, but endangered in Missouri due to loss of habitat):

Adult Barn Owl in flight

And a Yellow Warbler watching me kayak past:

Yellow Warbler foraging in the trees above the water

A new wildflower for me … the Adam and Eve Orchid:

Adam and Eve Orchids (Putty Root)

And another new wildflower … the Michigan Lily:

Michigan Lily wildflower

An interesting find … a white thistle:

White thistle wildflower

And the normal purple thistle, before it opens:

Purple Thistle wildflower

Moth Mullein:

Moth Mullein wildflower

And Daisies began to appear along the rural roads:

Ox-eye Daisy wildflower

And a White-tailed doe watching me kayak:

White-tailed Deer

During this time frame, the dragonflies and damselflies begin appearing:

Male Eastern Amberwings dragonfly

Female Eastern Amberwings dragonfly

In the next post, I’ll share some of my favorite images from July, August and September.





Posted in Bird Photography, Insect Photography, Macro Photography, Mammals, Nature Photography, Photography from a kayak, Wildflowers
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