Fun Friday: Hi Altitude Gardening

Today’s post features a few “snapshots” collected yesterday at our Lake of the Ozarks (MO) home. Looking out of a second-floor bedroom window, I saw this unusual sight:

Squash growing out of garage gutter

Taking a second look, I realized that one of Bobbie’s squash plants (planted below this downspout, had decided to grow up (inside) the downspout and land in the gutter:

Squash growing out of garage gutter

Here is a photo of the garden area, below the garage gutter:

Squash growing out of garage gutter

As you can see, the “high altitude” plant is beginning to set fruit along the gutter:

Squash growing out of garage gutter

I guess this new form of gardening makes sense … after all, it is saving valuable garden space on the ground!


Posted in Flower, Fun Friday Post, Nature Photography
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